Thursday, June 22, 2006


Irene, We Hardly Knew Ye

I know people, I've heard the news.

The sun has set for one of our neighbor bloggers. Apparently, Irene could not maintain her "Scene". Understandable. Writing a blog every few days is not for the weak or for sissies and as we know, Irene is both of those. The good news is that Suburban Warrior will not edit Irene from her life so you can find out what Irene's been up to (if anyone cares) if you stay tuned to this more interesting blog. Will Irene get her boob job? Will Irene produce another cowboy? Will Irene ever become fashionable? Will laser hair removal really work on Irene's mug? Is Irene really a man?

Goodnight Irene...and good luck.

Irene, I'll miss the Scene. I have every confidence that you'll reappear after a respite and make a comeback that will have SW trembling with fear for her jocular insensities to your bosom, fashion sense, and other vulnerabilities that you had the courage to share with us. Godspeed!
Irene who?
Katie Curic leaves The Today Show, Meredith Veira leaves the View, Don Rather leaves CBS and now Irene has left The Scene? What is going on in the world of journalism??
Who's gonna miss Katie "I talk like Elvis" Couric or Dan "Oh those aren't fake documents" Rather? We'll miss Meredith "Is that your final answer" Viera and maybe Irene "I'm outta of the Scene." Only time will tell.
With the infrequency of SW's posts, she may be gone before we know it! But I'm sure she wouldn't be as blunt as Irene's...then again, she is the Suburban Warrior!
Irene, Irene, this really smells
You left us all with no farewells.
What have we done, what can we do
To cancel out your swift adieu?
We loved you much, we loved you mighty
God knows you are a little flighty.
Who thought you would call it a wrap
With that last blog about dog crap.
We need to know the grief and joys
Of handyman and those cowboys.
Please reconsider, give some thought
Your many readers are distraught.
Cool your jets. I'm back, I'm back.
Considering most of those comments were left by IRENE...SW knew Irene couldn't be gone for long!
SW, seems your creative juices need to be spiked. Here are some ideas for your next blog: Stay At Home Mom's versus Daycare; Hellman's versus Miracle Whip; Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"; Star Jones versus Barbara Walters; Is Britney Spears okay?; what to do about North Korea; how often do you really floss?; goodbye to the penny; cereal box toys have gone down hill; what's up with Priscilla Presley -- is she a wax doll?
SW, we hope you make it out of Lebanon soon and post to tell about it.
You hypocrite. You rant against Irene for ending her blogging career, yet your last post appeared in June. What month is it? Yes, August. For all intents and purposes, your blogging days are over as well. I am disappointed.
Take it easy guys. SW is spending the summer in rehab at Pity Me Pines with Mel and Robin. WIth every good wish for a successful recovery.
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