Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Oh, That's Just Sad...

I have officially hit an all-time rock bottom with regards to my weight.

Today I went to my obgyn for my six week post-delivery checkup. I had to get on the scale. Here comes the really SAD part...I WEIGHED 2 POUNDS MORE THAN I did at my two week post-delivery checkup!!! I push out a baby yet continue to gain weight. I know what the problem is...there is a pattern...baby has a screaming jag, Warrior does everything in her power to soothe ballistic child...after a long thirty minutes Eileen's screaming usually susbsides...Warrior uses this break in the action long enough for Warrior to shove some type of chocolate or sugar coated snack down her throat...that is how Warrior "soothes " herself. The cycle repeats itself throughout the day.

Bathing suit season is three weeks away...hoo-ray.

Eileen sits snug in a jogging stroller, Warrior pushes her from behind. Eileen is happy. Warrior can't get the chocolate down because she's too busy holding onto the stroller, jogging. The weight starts to miraculously drop off! Happy Warrior. Happy Eileen.
Hey, hey, hey...get outta' ma' way!
Irene is crying because her mother's a cow!
Big deal? 2 pounds. Wah, wah, wah. Who's the bigger cryer, Eileen or her mama?
Well, obviously her mother is the "bigger" cryer.
Pet Peeve: skinny people complaining about being fat.
SW, just go get your stomach stapled & tell everyone you've been on a crash diet. Works for me. Now I'm an even bigger B&^%#!
Oh, that's just sad ...... POST AGAIN SW!
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