Monday, September 12, 2005


Give It A Rest People!!

I don't know how many times I have to explain this to some of you, but...I DO HAVE A LIFE AND SOMETIMES OTHER THINGS WILL COME BEFORE THIS BLOG. Geez. Why don't some of you get on Irene...she's the one green with envy over McDonalds' about needing a life!!

Anyhoo...Suburban Warrior had to call Poison Control this morning after a little mishap!! It all started last night as my daughter was up ALL night screaming in pain about her sore throat...which was really annoying. But I do have some maternal instincts, so I threw some Motrin down her throat and invited her into our wedding bed. Well, I think we all know how much sleeping gets done under those conditions...between Elizabeth sleeping on my head, crying in pain, and suffering from "restless legs syndrome" (as well as my hubby's usual nocturnal noises--which is putting it nicely!) I got no sleep!!! Which does NOT make for a happy Warrior. And am I thinking of my daughter's discomfort? NO NO NO!! All I'm thinking is, "damn, she can't possibly go to school tomorrow...there goes my shopping!". Anyway...I'll get to the poisoning part now...Apparently, Elizabeth climbed out of our bed and went and got the thermometer. She returned to our bed with the thermometer sticking out of her mouth (she's such a drama queen!). After a few minutes, she taps me and requests that I read the results. Well, when I take the thermometer out of her mouth I notice the tip that was in her mouth is totally broken...with shards of what was left of the tip shattered and jutting out of the stem. Hmmm...I wonder where the plastic covering went? I wonder where the broken shards went? I WONDER WHERE THE MERCURY WENT?? You guessed it!! Now, I HAD to get up!

Anyhoo...poison control was very helpful and told me not worry that it would all come out in Elizabeth's stool. There's something to look forward to tonight!!

Did the DC Public School System think to call Poisin Control? They could have avoided all the TV coverage and the closures of their high schools over mercury spills. MUSH
Ok I feel like a crappy friend... I hope she doesn't have strep! Let me know.
Well, well, well. If it isn't a new post from the Suburban Warrior! Glad to hear Elizabeth was not poisoned by mercury or injured by the glass. Kelli, I called you tonight (your laziness was already snoozing...8:15 p.m.) to inform you I am leaning away from the boob job and leaning towards another self-improvement idea: Alaze, permanent hair removal. Anyone out there done it? I think it's for me...and I know it's for Anthony. So please, readers, chime in if you have any experience with this technology. -Irene
While discussing beauty improvements, anyone know anything about BriteSmile? They've opened a salon at Tysons II and can whiten your teeth in an hour. Their website does not disclose prices (alert--it must be expensive). Any dentists or hygienests (spelling) out there? And to digress, do all hygienests (spelling) talk too much during your cleaning? It's annoying. MUSH
I love BriteSmile - they whitened my teeth 5 shades, blah blah blah. Tune into my showgram and I'll tell you all about them - I am paid to plug them all morning long on Mix 107.3.
Subarban Warrior, whatever happend to the Hamburgler, Grimace, Mayor MacCheese and those freakin' flyin' French Fry guys? McDonalds just hasn't been the same since their departure. I mean, how sad is it to use your ATM or credit card for McDonald's food? Can you say Large Marge? As for your daugther and her possible Mercury ingestion...if her bathroom's aglowin, then the mercury's aflowin! Good luck & welcome back. PS - who's IRENE?
Earl - Irene happens to be the backbone of this blog. Without her, there is nothing.
Or breastbone.
That's why she's the backbone!
Irene Rocks! Mush
Since Kelli has again gone under a rock, let's hear from the breastbone.
Nothing like a good breastbone to make my day!!!! Dare I say "finger lickin' good."
Irene here, baring her bony breast. (You people really enjoy a metaphor!) No one's commented about Alase. You all can't be as hairy as Kelli and Anthony. Specifically I would like to know how much pain is involved. My redneck husband is off setting up his tree stand this morning. As all you animal-killing enthusiasts know, bow season opens October 1st! Woo-hoo. So once again, I am solo, sitting with the sportsman's children on a Saturday morn. (Remember it was a fishing expedition last weekend, which turned into golf due to rough seas from Ophelia.) I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and that, alas, someone will give me the scoop about Alase. Aloha-Irene
Hey Irene, two words come to mind when I hear or see the word "Alase" - Stacey Bin.
Irene - aka - you know who...No personal knowledge here of laser hair removal but have heard that it does take MANY sessions and the more sessions the more painful - also it sometimes does not work well on the fair ladies. Why not stick with the breast enhancement surgury? You will fit in better when you visit in CA
I'm not sure who Irene is but, based on her comments, she seems pretty good as is. Why try to improve when you've got it already?
That's a sweet sentiment, but believe me, there's room for improvement.
-Irene's husband
Interesting - Irene's husband makes an appearance (finally) to offer a somewhat negative comment. This could get interesting, folks. And why, hubby, do you want to burst all the bubbles of happiness that Irene has created?
Actually, I've met both Irene and her husband. She's darling but feisty - he's a saint.
This has become a pathetic forum. It is tiresome Irene, AGAIN. I thought "my husband's" remarks might spur a few lively comments. Alas, it was only me in a desperate attempt to revive this sleepy ol' blog. Please, warrior, arise from your cocoon of pregnancy and address your blog-starved fans.
Go easy on SW during her time of need. Irene, rather than kick SW while she's down, take advantage of her absence and takeover the blog until she's feeling up to the task again. Mother Teresa
If Irene takes over, Kelli will never be back. Unless she's been in & out of a coma or jail since she began this "blog", there is no excuse for the weeks of silence. One can only imagine what it will be like when she has an infant to care for!
Irene, let's give it a go .... comment on any or all of the following: Bill Frist HCA stock sales -- innocent or guilty; Babs Streisand -- a total nut?; Barry Gibb -- starting to look like his brother Robin; Michael Jackson -- Captain or Tonille or both?; Hummers -- tanking or staying power. Marcus Welby, MD
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