Thursday, May 26, 2005



Let me just say this with regards to the comment section...some of you need not be so critical. I often sense tension between my readers and Suburban Warrior does not want that. Are you fighting for my attention? Or are you just angry people in general? Please refrain from using my blog to work out your own internal conflicts/demons...

Now, I really don't like to single people out, but I must...IRENE. Irene seems to have a running dialog with herself in my comment section. Um, Irene you need put down your dictionary and get a life. And for those of you who don't know what a geriatric personality Irene possesses, let me share this ditty. Irene called me from the Arts and Crafts store the other day to see if I had any recommendations for a gift for Elizabeth's upcoming birthday (FYI: arts and crafts gifts are a nightmare for most mothers). Irene explained that she was at the Arts and Crafts store because she had recently finished a challenging jigsaw puzzle and wanted TO PRESERVE IT!!! She was on the hunt for a special type of glue that would hold the puzzle together for her so she could FRAME IT AND HANG IT IN HER FAMILY ROOM. "You're kidding me, right?" I said. She dorkily replied, "No, I heard about puzzle preservation glue on the American Jigsaw Puzzle Society webpage". Ok, just going to that webpage is actually worse than trying to preserve a damn puzzle.

I don't think I can be friends with Irene anymore...

That's dialogue, not dialog. -Irene (p.s. Fuck You)
That was a test, Irene. You passed. By the way, do you kiss your kids with that mouth??
Girls, girls!! Separate corners, NOW!!
Frankly, I enjoy Irene's comments more than the blog. I'd love for her to do something of her own (geriatric genius? ... crossword cross words? ... dorky delusions?). Anyhoo, I'm a fan so hope she keeps coming back.
Never fear. Irene's still here. I'll have you know that after her abusive post, the mean old Suburban Warrior called me with her tail between her legs, wondering if my dinner invitation for this weekend still stood. (The nerve!) If I can find a place to transfer my latest jigsaw puzzle (it's on the dining room table), there's a chance she and I will reconcile over dinner. Thank you to my kind supporters! -Irene
Irene, many thanks for helping me to figure out what to get Elizabeth for her birthday --- something from Michael's and/or a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. And yes, I got Princess a huge art and crafts box for her last birthday! Checkmate! MUSH
God Bless America! MUSH
Okay Kelli--enough. Did you go to Irene's for dinner? Was the aforementioned puzzle on the dining table? Did you come to blows and, if so, who won? I'm thinking Irene since you haven't surfaced for 5 days. God bless America!
Irene here. Yes, the suburban warrior did grace our home with her company. She, husband, and daughter wouldn't leave! They actually pulled a tent out of their mini van, pitched it in the backyard, and proceeded to spend the night. What a bunch of rednecks they are! Just kidding. It was a planned backyard camping adventure which deserves a blog entry unto itself, which I'm certain the Suburban Warrior is working on. I did manage to relocate the current jigsaw puzzle for dinner, by the way. Ever heard of a puzzle roll? Marvelous device for us puzzle enthusiasts. It's a clever little mat you roll your puzzle up in and you can just tote it around wherever you like. Ingenious! -Irene
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