Monday, April 11, 2005


This Child Was Speech Delayed?

In the past, I enjoyed riding in the car with my daughter...until she became a wannabe SPELLER!

This was our conversation to the store this morning:

E: "Mom, how do you spell street?"
M: "S T R E ET"

E: "Mom, how do you spell sidewalk?"
M: "S I D E W A L K"
E: "wait, spell it again..."
M: "S I D E W A L K"

E: "Mom, how do you spell house?"
M: "H O U S E"

M: "Elizabeth, stop looking out the window and listen to the radio".
E: "Mom, how do you spell radio?"
M: "R A D I O"

M: "Let's play the quiet game until we get to the store".

2 minutes later...

E: "Mom, how do you spell store?"
M: "S T O R E

E: "Mom, how do you spell Food Lion?"
M: "F O O D L I O N"

M: "Hey Elizabeth, how bout a gobstopper?"
E: "YEAH!!! Thanks do you spell gobstopper?"

God give me strength.

At least she asking you stuff you know. She could be asking you for the atomic weight of boron or something! :-)
I would have a field day with that. You know me and spelling. I'll be her coach for the St. Veronica's "bee." -Irene
If only Wonderama was still on the TV air waves! Wackadoo Wackadoo Wackadoo!!
If only Wonderama was still on the TV air waves...A Wackadoo, Wackadoo, Wackadoo!!!
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